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Imagine a world where you’re the center of your own solar system. Your closest friends orbit around you like planets. Here on Snapchat Planets Review, this is what happens to our planet and its people. By subscribing to Snapchat Plus, you become the Sun. Your family becomes the seven planets around you. They are at different distances from the Sun.

Forget Asimov and those sci-fi movies. I give you the class structure from an out-of-this-world tv show. It has a twist full of Gen Z energy. You can’t help but laugh. And, is there a better option to measure you best friends at their level of influence on the celestial world?

In your friendships universe, the Mercury acts as a center point. This is the planet symbolizing your absolute best friend. This is the person you have the longest chain of streaks with. The one who already knows all your secrets. And the one who you can confidentially disclose to all your problems – without feeling afraid. That anybody would judge or repel you.

Mercury is a red planet having five red hearts orbiting it. Because when best friend is in concern. It is the red promethean fire which will burn stronger and more intense. Just like the actual Mercury, this friend will never abandon. And it will always tell the truth and will themselves be safe in the pull of your friendship.

Ah, especially Venus – the planet of love and beauty. Just as Venus is the half-sister of the sun in your Snapchat solar system. The second of moon-color agents to your right. She symbolizes the friend who always adds warmth, color and liveliness into your life.



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