Universe News Network

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Page Authority 34
Moz Rank 3.4
Links In 3102
Equity 968
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Sample Guest Post https://www.universenewsnetwork.com/2023 ...
Misc SEO Metrics SemRush Rank 56901
SemRush Keywords num 5697
SemRush Traffic 33975
SemRush Costs 2975
SemRush URL Links num 174
SemRush HOST Links num 15053
SemRush DOMAIN Links num 15699
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Our website is a platform for informative and engaging content that aims to provide valuable insights and knowledge to our readers. We have established certain guidelines and rules to ensure the quality and integrity of the articles published on our site. Please find the details below:

Permanent Post: The articles published on our website will remain permanent and accessible to our readers for an extended period.

Google Indexed: All articles published on our site will be indexed by search engines, including Google, to enhance their visibility and reach.

Content Restrictions: We do not accept articles related to the following topics: Casino, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Betting, CBD, and Adult content. We strive to maintain a platform that focuses on informative and educational content for our readers.

For an additional fee of $10, we can consider accepting articles related to Casino, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency, Betting, CBD, or Adult content. Please note that this will be subject to review and approval.

Promotional Articles: We do not accept promotional articles that solely aim to advertise or promote a product, service, or brand. Our focus is on providing informative and non-promotional content to our readers.

Do-Follow Links: Each article is allowed a maximum of two do-follow links. These links should be relevant and provide additional information or resources to enhance the reader's understanding of the topic. The use of excessive promotional links is not permitted.

Content Requirements: Articles should meet the following criteria:

Minimum of 500 words: We require a minimum word count of 500 to ensure that the content provides sufficient information and depth on the topic.

100% Unique: The content must be original and not published elsewhere. We prioritize unique content to maintain the authenticity and value of our articles.

Informative, Non-Promotional: The content should be informative, offering valuable insights, analysis, or knowledge on the chosen topic. It should not solely serve as a promotional piece for a product, service, or brand.

Anchor Text: We allow the use of anchor text such as "click here," "read more," "this website," your website name, or brand name. However, we encourage the use of anchor text that provides context and relevance to the linked content.

By adhering to these guidelines, we aim to provide our readers with high-quality, informative, and engaging content that adds value to their knowledge and understanding. We appreciate your cooperation in following these rules to maintain the integrity of our platform.


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