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At least 500 words, but we prefer articles that are 800-2000 words long. Formatting: Provide a clear takeaway or learning for readers. Use headings, subheadings and numbered lists/bullets to structure your writing. We encourage authors to include images/videos as part of the submission. Authors are responsible for obtaining permission to use images/videos and/or any other material from outside sources. If you include images or videos within the article, they must be high quality and come with source citations, only use images/videos for which you have permission or which are in the public domain (and be sure to credit your source). We only allow 1 link(dofollow) to your site in the article, you can link to homepage or any commercial page of your site, but we prefer to link to article pages on your site. Make it look natural in the article, these anchor texts will be rejected: 1.) local indicator like “accident lawyer in California”; 2.) very long inner page url like: 3.) xxx near me, like women’s gym near me Include fact