Category | Digital Marketing |
Link Type | Do Follow |
Max Links Allowed | 1 |
Domain Authority (DA) | 8 |
Page Authority | 17 |
Moz Rank | 1.7 |
Links In | 10 |
Equity | 1 |
Google Indexed Pages | Check Indexed Pages |
Sample Guest Post | ... |
Misc SEO Metrics |
SemRush Rank 22971613 SemRush Keywords num 3 SemRush Traffic unknown SemRush Costs unknown SemRush URL Links num 18 SemRush HOST Links num 1392 SemRush DOMAIN Links num 1392 Facebook comments 0 Facebook shares 0 Facebook reactions 0 |
1. Only German content
2. Articles are Google indexed
3. No gambling/casino/adult allowed. CBD in some cases for higher price.
4. One customer link
5. Topics need to related to Marketing, AI.
6. Texts need to be high quality with human experience and many details (no generic content). Articles should answer a certain user question or create specific value for a user problem (e.g. How to combine Claude AI with Zapier to automate Social Media posts)
7. Minimum article length is 250 words. But it depends on the topic. Article length need to make sense for a certain topic.